In this Archicad User-Group Meeting, South Africa - June 2022, hosted by TotalCAD Solution Centre, presenters Francois & Hendrik Swanepoel shows how they use Archicad in their complete Scan2BIM workflows to create As-Built 3D Models in Archicad from digital LiDAR surveys & Point Cloud files of existing buildings & structures.
To learn more about these workflows & solutions, read more at the buttons below.
fusionBIM - Eric Bobrow ARCHICAD USER (Nov. 2020) - Francois Swanepoel, South African BIM Pioneer
In this video interview hosted by Eric Bobrow (Archicad Master), his guest, Francois Swanepoel shows several live Archicad project files. In this User Group Session, he shows the unique aspects and challenges of these projects and how he used Archicad's capabilities to communicate the designs & document these projects for approval & construction.
To learn more about these workflows & solutions, read more at the buttons below.
Choosing the best CAD/BIM tool for the job is an infinite endeavor...
No matter in what field of the AEC Industry we work or where our products or services fits into a project lifecycle. We all have to find the answer to this key question: "which software will be the best CAD/BIM tool for the job I have to do"
But is this the correct question to ask? Well let's see if we can find some answers that would make some real sense. |
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