Archicad User Group Meeting SA - Unlocking Precise Cost Estimation in Archicad
Also download the demo files that he uses in this live meeting (links below).
Archicad User Group Meeting SA - Unlocking Precise Cost Estimation in Archicad
In this Archicad User Group Meeting, South Africa - July 2024, hosted by TotalCAD Solution Centre, presenter Francois Swanepoel shows local Archicad users that Unlocking Precise Cost Estimation in Archicad is possible & not that complex to achieve. Here Francois uses the "Archicad SA Open Tewmplate" made available by Arcdre' Steynberg as a free & lean, base Archicad template for everyone to use & customize to their own needs.
Also download the demo files that he uses in this live meeting (links below).
To learn more about these workflows & solutions, read more at the buttons below.
Scan2BIM digital survey & conversion to As-Built 3D Models in Archicad
In this Archicad User-Group Meeting, South Africa - June 2022, hosted by TotalCAD Solution Centre, presenters Francois & Hendrik Swanepoel shows how they use Archicad in their complete Scan2BIM workflows to create As-Built 3D Models in Archicad from digital LiDAR surveys & Point Cloud files of existing buildings & structures.
To learn more about these workflows & solutions, read more at the buttons below.
fusionBIM - Eric Bobrow ARCHICAD USER (Nov. 2020) - Francois Swanepoel, South African BIM Pioneer
In this video interview hosted by Eric Bobrow (Archicad Master), his guest, Francois Swanepoel shows several live Archicad project files. In this User Group Session, he shows the unique aspects and challenges of these projects and how he used Archicad's capabilities to communicate the designs & document these projects for approval & construction.
To learn more about these workflows & solutions, read more at the buttons below.
Archicad & IFC Translator workflowLet's take a quick look at Archicad & IFC Translator workflows. Working with IFC & OpenBIM Standards can be a wormhole that consumes a lot of our resources. Learning about ISO 19650, COBie & other standards, capabilities & limitations of Archicad & Revit, exploring practical implementation options, all the different use cases & their specific requirements, EIR, LION, BEP... the list goes on & on. But that's not what this article is about, however relevant & important all these aspects may be. Here I want to give you the aspects I consider to be the most important & effective for Archicad users to implement for success in collaborative IFC workflows. When we do our first IFC export & import, it's best to simply take one of the standard, built in IFC Translators in Archicad and only tweak those settings (there are many) that you may need to for any export / import. The only real way to get any consistently clean IFC imports & exports is by testing & refining.
Important things to note: What does your BIM look like, just before 2019 starts. . .?
The benefits of full lifecycle BIM are very real (to all stakeholders involved), achievable (at project relevant levels) and proven (although in isolated pockets of "bravehearts" - valid none the less). For us on the BIM side of the "fence" it makes no sense why so many are still on the "other side". Why is everybody not joining the "wave" and change over to operate the "BIM-way"? In short, my take on this question is this: - Technology is "scary", - fear drives resistance to change, - contentment with status quo, - financial constraints. This is actually a very positive, inspirational document for us all at the edge of 2019... Successful BIM Implementation with fusionBIMReal estate has always been a solid investment, and the development of it has therefor enabled the construction industry to become an important contributor to the GDP. By establishing proper Building Lifecycle Management (BLM) practices, the investment can be protected and grown. The risks during the design, construction and management phases, stem mostly from a lack of efficient communication and management of data. Examples include:
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